McCain: U.S. gun limits won't stop drug cartels
Tells NRA violence in Mexico shouldn't be excuse to restrict gun rights here...[More]Right. And we all know how credible McCain is on border issues--not to mention on free political speech.
I also like his co-headliner, Michael "What
I also like his co-headliner, Michael "What
I also like his co-headliner, Michael "What do you need an assault weapon for?" Steele being given a place of honor at the gathering.
There I go being divisive again.
I see they also had Mitt "Ban assault weapons" Romney and Dick "Suck whore toes" Morris.
Threeper principle freaks need not apply...the Big Tent just isn't that big.
[Via Ed M]
There I go being divisive again.
I see they also had Mitt "Ban assault weapons" Romney and Dick "Suck whore toes" Morris.
Threeper principle freaks need not apply...the Big Tent just isn't that big.
[Via Ed M]