From ABC News:
Pyongyang May Fulfill a Vow to Conduct Another Nuclear Test, Analysts Say.
North Korea is elevating the nuclear threat levell to new extremes while American policy on what to do about it appears highly uncertain to Korean observers.
That's the impression analysts are getting from the North's latest and probably most sensational demand, that the United Nations Security Council issue an apology for having condemned its test-firing of a long-range Taepodong-2 missile on April 5.
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My Comment: North Korea's behavior has always been the same since the Korean War .... their goals and objectives are to unify the Koreas into one country (with them being in charge). But this is not possible .... even the North Koreans know that. Nuclear weapons is North Korea's only means to exert pressure on the South and its allies .... and a feeble pressure at that. I sometimes wonder if North Korea is still fighting a conflict that ended a long time ago .... it is just that they have not come around to accepting this new reality.
They will ratchet up their rhetoric, and they will attempt to test a nuclear device or two .... but nothing is going to change. What will change is when they realize that all of their efforts and actions have not given them any headway on the onjectives and goals that they had outlined 50 years ago. When that realization sets in .... that is when anything is possible.