A bus sits in ruins after an explosion in Karachi, Pakistan on May 8, 2002.
Asif Ali / Reuters / CORBIS
Asif Ali / Reuters / CORBIS
From Time Magazine:
When, in May 2002, suicide bombers attacked a bus in Karachi in southern Pakistan and killed 11 French naval engineers, most officials believed it was the work of radicals tied to al-Qaeda. Although no such group ever took credit for the attack, the jihadist theory has long remained the one favored by authorities in both Pakistan and France. But now French authorities are turning to far less conventional — and more controversial — suspicions: that the strike may have been organized by members of Pakistan's military and intelligence services, as revenge for France cutting off millions of dollars in kickback payments promised in a 1994 submarine deal.
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My Comment: Time Magazine makes a convincing argument .... Pakistan has a terrible culture for corruption and bribery. Would they kill for it .... considering the amount of money involved, I would have to say yes.