House Approves $106B Bill to Fund Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan

From The Washington Post:

The House of Representatives today passed a $106 billion bill funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through September, as House Democrats backed President Obama despite misgivings among the ranks about his strategy in Afghanistan.

The 226-202 vote came after President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner called some reluctant Democrats during the day imploring them to back the bill, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) strongly pressed her Democratic colleagues in a closed-door meeting to vote for the bill in a show of support for Obama, even if they oppose his strategy for increasing troops in Afghanistan. In the end, 221 Democrats voted for the bill, while 32 opposed it.

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My Comment:
To put pork in a war funding bill .... sigh .... as usual .... the U.S. Congress makes me speechless.

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