From The Washington Independent:
Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like inside a North Korean labor camp — of the sort that American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee will have to endure now that a kangaroo court has convicted them for spying. It’s from the most recent edition of the State Department’s annual global human rights report, and is necessarily fragmentary, as few people have emerged from the camps to tell their stories.
Reeducation through labor, primarily through sentences at forced labor camps, was a common punishment and consisted of tasks such as logging, mining, or tending crops under harsh conditions. Reeducation involved memorizing speeches by Kim Jong-il. …
NGO, refugee, and press reports indicated that there were several types of prisons, detention centers, and camps, including forced labor camps and separate camps for political prisoners. Defectors claimed the camps covered areas as large as 200 square miles. The camps appeared to contain mass graves, barracks, worksites, and other prison facilities.
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My Comment: And the world stays silent.