One of the reasons I listen closely to Gen. James Mattis is that he is an avid student of history, and uses lessons from past wars to guide the work he and other folks down at Joint Forces Command are doing to re-craft operational concepts.
Mattis says future wars will be of the hybrid variety, characterized by a mixture of conventional and unconventional operations blending both high-tech attacks, such as cyber, and low tech, such as IEDs, all on the same battlefield.
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My Comment: Hmmmm .... this is a good article, and one that quotes General Mattis view of hybrid conflicts. Is this the future of warfare .... I am not too sure. The problem with hybrid conflicts is that the one who is initiating the hybrid conflict can never really defeat the stronger enemy .... the only way to win will be to prolongue a fight for a very long time so that the enemy simply gives up and leave.
The prospect of having a war that will last for decades may appeal to the leaders of these groups .... but for the common foot soldierthey can never sustain that level of commitment for long. Just as the stronger military power may get "bored" with a low intensity conflict, the same can be said for the other side.
in the end it is always a war of attrition, and the one who loses the most will .... in the end .... be the one who will be conceding defeat.