From Yahoo News/AP:
MOSCOW – A top Kremlin official said Thursday that Russia is ready to expand cooperation with the United States in combating international terrorism.
Anatoly Safonov, the Kremlin's top envoy on the issue, said President Barack Obama's visit to Russia in early July should help boost joint U.S.-Russian efforts to combat terrorism and prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
"The world is getting increasingly vulnerable and unsafe, and both Russian and U.S. leaders are worried about that," Safonov said at a briefing. "We will preserve our achievements and move forward."
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My Comment: Russian officials and security officials are being killed on a daily basis by Islamic extremists and terrorists in the Caucasus. They are just as much as a target as we are .... and are starting to realize it. Will this translate into action and cooperation with the West.... only time will tell.