From Yahoo News/AP:
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba – A session of the Guantanamo war crimes court that began Sunday will likely show the difficulties President Barack Obama faces in changing the system and closing the prison by January.
The case in question, of a Canadian charged with killing an American soldier, is stalled by infighting among lawyers.
Other defendants have even more complex legal issues, and officials say the U.S. may have to choose between delaying Guantanamo's closure or quickly finding somewhere else to hold the trials.
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My Comment: Government (as a rule) works at super slow speed. For impending Guantanamo trials .... government works at super duper slow speed.
This entire legal process has now gone astray. What vital intelligence information that could have been gleamed from these captives is now no more .... and as a result, the entire process should move forward .... we owe this to the families of 9/11.
But of course we are not moving forward, and thanks to President Obama's declaration in January on his intent to close Guantanamo, this entire process is now up in the air.