New US Battle Rule: No Fighting Near Afghan Homes -- Seattle PI/AP
KABUL -- The U.S. commander in Afghanistan will soon order U.S. and NATO forces to break away from fights with militants hiding among villagers, an official said Monday, announcing one of the strongest measures yet to protect Afghan civilians.
The most contentious civilian casualty cases in recent years occurred during battles in Afghan villages when U.S. airstrikes aimed at militants also killed civilians. American commanders say such deaths hurt their mission because they turn average Afghans against the government and international forces.
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My Comment: I am speechless. How can you determine who is a combatant and who is not? Who will make the decision to fight, and if the Taliban are firing from within a village .... you should walk away?
If this decree is true, it means that the U.S./NATO/Afghan forces have agreed to give up on the towns, villages, and cities to the Taliban if they (the Taliban) should decide to reside in these places.
Sigh .... if we have now decided not to fight the Taliban .... why are we still there?