"What went through your mind when that happened?" Hickey asked.
"That I was receiving an injury due to someone throwing me," Abbate answered. [More]
Watch "Only One" Abbate get "thrown"--no wonder he was in such fear:
No surprise this cowardly, brutal pig is a liar, too.
And importantly, he was acquitted of "official misconduct" because he didn't identify himself as a police officer. I guess the fact that he acts like this because he (still) is one isn't important.
UPDATE: Just to clarify, and I do so because the first comment seems to imply a belief that all charges were dismissed, Abbate was acquitted of the misconduct charges but found guilty of aggravated battery. And if you ask me, the stinking feral hog deserved to be charged with attempted murder. I include links for a purpose, and often limit my comments to particular aspects that I think need to be pointed out.