Chicago cop who beat bartender gets probationFigures:
'I have a fear of the police,' beating victim now says [More]
[A]Cook County judge let the suspended cop walk out of court Tuesday time behind bars for his attack on her.I do disagree with the victim about one thing:
She says it's not quite rational to fear the police...Sorry, but under the circumstances, as long as the "Only Ones" have no reason to fear us, either "legal" or otherwise, that's a perfectly rational reaction to have.
Here's one other outrage, from
She says it's not quite rational to fear the police...Sorry, but under the circumstances, as long as the "Only Ones" have no reason to fear us, either "legal" or otherwise, that's a perfectly rational reaction to have.
Here's one other outrage, from Circuit Judge John Fleming:
"If I believed sending Anthony Abbate to prison would stop people from getting drunk and hitting other people, I'd sentence him to the maximum...But I don't believe that is the case."It's not a question of stopping "people". It's a question of stopping Anthony Abbatte.
Of course Fleming knows that. He's just shown us where his loyalties lie.
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.