So if their laws work for gun control, states have rights. But if state laws work against gun control, federal bans are in order--from Chicago to Cheyenne. Just moderate the message in accordance with political needs. Supporters in the media will help cover tracks. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows so-called "states' rights" are "respected" only when they serve the purpose of infringing on individual liberty. It includes an NPR audio clip of Barack OBama endorsing a nationwide federal concealed carry ban, and shows how his record has been sanitized by the media over time for political advantage.
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- Atlanta: You bet it's personal!
- Austin: Why do children need guns?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
- Chicago: National concealed-carry reciprocity falls two votes short in Senate
- Cleveland: When it comes to guns, some politicos just don't trust you
- DC: Thune amendment: Great idea, wrong vehicle
- Denver: Green shoots of recovery for second amendment rights
- Los Angeles: On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too.
- Minneapolis: Lies, damn lies, and VPC statistics
- Seattle: Outrage over national concealed carry misplaced while Seattle looks for a killer
- St. Louis: The Brady Campaign to create 'gun crime'
- Wisconsin: Party like it was 1773