From The Time Magazine:
Supporters of building more F-22 fighters have their backs against the wall. The President, the Secretary of Defense, the Air Force leadership and the Senate's top military experts have all declared that the U.S. needs no more than the 187 of the $350 million fighters it has already bought. So the F-22's backers are changing their tactics in demanding more planes, relying on arguments from second-tier officers, citing imaginary threats and introducing the most potent argument of all these days: preserving 25,000 well-paying jobs.
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My Comment: I think it is a combination of the two, but there is a third point that is even more important.
That third point is money. If the planes were worth only $50 million, I am sure that there would be no opposition to the program. But at $350 million a copy .... everyone is choking .... including this blogger.