Years ago, some friends in the now-defunct The Lawyer's Second Amendment Society came up with a poster intending to highlight the absurdity of cosmetic gun bans. This parody piece really brings home how ridiculous they are... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column gives the plans. Examiner.com asked its writers to do a "how to" piece as part of an "Information 191" promotion. Let's see who just looks at the title and freaks.
Also meet the new Chicago Gun Rights Examiner,hear a plea for converts, and I'm going to stop telling you to get the latest from my fellow GREs and just let you get it from here.
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Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
- Atlanta: You bet it's personal!
- Austin: Does civilian gun ownership cause bloodshed?
- Boston: Sotomayor: Unfit to serve
- Charlotte: Sotomayor: Where for art thou, NRA?
- Chicago: Judge Sotomayor thinks gun rights are about hunting?
- Cleveland: Ohio Highway Patrol may get carbines next year
- DC: Sotomayor: latinas, guns, and werewolves
- Denver: Lessons from "bring your guns to church day"
- Los Angeles: On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too.
- Minneapolis: It takes a gun to stop a gunman
- Seattle: NRA takes stand against Sotomayor; committee vote Tuesday
- St. Louis: The Brady Campaign to create 'gun crime'
- Wisconsin: Party like it was 1773