Is North Korea An "Infinitesimal Threat" To The United States?

Kim Jong-iL

State Department: North Korea's Direct Threat To U.S. 'Infinitesimal' -- CNN

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The State Department on Monday continued to publicly downplay the threat North Korea presents to the United States with spokesman P.J. Crowley telling reporters North Korea "represents an infinitesimal threat to the United States directly."

The spokesman's statement followed comments from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an interview with ABC, broadcast Monday, in which she said the reason for the United States' low-key reaction to North Korea's recent missile test was that the United States wasn't "going to give the North Koreans the satisfaction they were looking for, which was to elevate them to center stage."

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My Comment: If North Korea "represents an infinitesimal threat to the United States directly", why is there always a few carrier strike groups in the area. Why are we positioning F-22 squadrons at Okinawa. Why must America's anti-missile defense system go online when North Korea conducts a missile test. Why must U.S and Japanese diplomats meet (this past weekend) to decide on a new policy for Japan to be put under U.S. nuclear protection.

North Korea is a very dangerous country. It consistently threatening its neighbors. Is open about its work to develop nuclear weapon systems. It totally ignores International rules and conventions. And worse .... the political elite in North Korea revel in this brinkmanship.

My fear revolves around the possibility that (some day) North Korea may start to sell some of their nuclear stockpile to pay the bills. I am sure that there will be many buyers .... some who have made it very clear that if they had such a WMD .... they would be more than happy to use it.

Sighhhh .... North Korea is an "infinitesimal threat" .... who is this State Department spokesman trying to fool.

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