From The Telegraph:
Every death is dreadfully sad, but our troops have been "in theatre" for eight years, and fewer than 200 have died. We lost 20,000 on the first day of the battle of the Somme, observes Charles Moore.
I must defend the Government. That is an unusual sentence in this column, in this newspaper, at this time. But the way our media go on, you would think that Gordon Brown's indifference, arrogance and penny-pinching are causing the pointless death of a generation of British youth in Afghanistan.
These accusations are essentially false. I do not mind, of course, if this Government is thrown out. Good riddance! But there are bigger issues at stake.
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Previous Post: Is The Press Our Deadliest Foe In Afghanistan?
My Comment: An article that defends the British Government's actions in the the Afghan campaign as well as putting Afghanistan's casualty rate and war into perspective.