MOSCOW — Just weeks after a summit meeting intended to show a thawing in relations between the United States and Russia, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. made blistering references to Russia’s failing economy, loss of face and a leadership that is “clinging to something in the past,” in an interview published on Saturday.
Speaking on the heels of his trip to Georgia and Ukraine, Mr. Biden said flatly that the Obama administration would make no deals and accept no compromises with the Kremlin in exchange for better relations.
Russia itself, he said, should find it in its own interest to repair relations.
The Kremlin immediately responded to the comments, made in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, with a demand for a clarification of the administration’s intentions toward Russia, saying essentially that it was receiving a mixed message so soon after President Obama had visited Moscow for the summit meeting.
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My Comment: So much for the U.S.-Russian relationship being "reset". I commented on this story earlier today .... but it is early Sunday morning in Moscow .... and the comments from the Russian press and Russian government officials are even more critical than what was reported Saturday.
Vice President Biden's comments .... if not retracted and/or explained by the White house (publicly or confidentially) .... will set back U.S. - Russian relations to a level that has not been seen since the Russian - Georgian war. This is a public relations disaster .... with nothing beneficial to be gained from this public display of disrespecting and insulting the Russian Government and (as it is now being played in Russia) to the Russian people.
The consequence
Russia itself, he said, should find it in its own interest to repair relations.
The Kremlin immediately responded to the comments, made in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, with a demand for a clarification of the administration’s intentions toward Russia, saying essentially that it was receiving a mixed message so soon after President Obama had visited Moscow for the summit meeting.
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My Comment: So much for the U.S.-Russian relationship being "reset". I commented on this story earlier today .... but it is early Sunday morning in Moscow .... and the comments from the Russian press and Russian government officials are even more critical than what was reported Saturday.
Vice President Biden's comments .... if not retracted and/or explained by the White house (publicly or confidentially) .... will set back U.S. - Russian relations to a level that has not been seen since the Russian - Georgian war. This is a public relations disaster .... with nothing beneficial to be gained from this public display of disrespecting and insulting the Russian Government and (as it is now being played in Russia) to the Russian people.
The consequence
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My Comment: So much for the U.S.-Russian relationship being "reset". I commented on this story earlier today .... but it is early Sunday morning in Moscow .... and the comments from the Russian press and Russian government officials are even more critical than what was reported Saturday.
Vice President Biden's comments .... if not retracted and/or explained by the White house (publicly or confidentially) .... will set back U.S. - Russian relations to a level that has not been seen since the Russian - Georgian war. This is a public relations disaster .... with nothing beneficial to be gained from this public display of disrespecting and insulting the Russian Government and (as it is now being played in Russia) to the Russian people.
The consequences are the following .... expect (now) a cold chill in nuclear weapons talks .... and as for Russian help on Iran .... forget it .... the element of trust and respect is now being openly questioned by senior officials in the Russian Government. Russian pundits are (now) even talking about why should Russia have agreed to permit U.S. airflights of supplies to Afghanistan when the U.S. leadership is openly hostile to Russia. U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan need these shipments. Lives are at stake.
Perplexing .... for once the New York Times has it right.
My Comment: So much for the U.S.-Russian relationship being "reset". I commented on this story earlier today .... but it is early Sunday morning in Moscow .... and the comments from the Russian press and Russian government officials are even more critical than what was reported Saturday.
Vice President Biden's comments .... if not retracted and/or explained by the White house (publicly or confidentially) .... will set back U.S. - Russian relations to a level that has not been seen since the Russian - Georgian war. This is a public relations disaster .... with nothing beneficial to be gained from this public display of disrespecting and insulting the Russian Government and (as it is now being played in Russia) to the Russian people.
The consequences are the following .... expect (now) a cold chill in nuclear weapons talks .... and as for Russian help on Iran .... forget it .... the element of trust and respect is now being openly questioned by senior officials in the Russian Government. Russian pundits are (now) even talking about why should Russia have agreed to permit U.S. airflights of supplies to Afghanistan when the U.S. leadership is openly hostile to Russia. U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan need these shipments. Lives are at stake.
Perplexing .... for once the New York Times has it right.