From Time Magazine:
The immediate crisis may be over in Nigeria, but the threat of violence remains. Government security forces today attacked a mosque filled with Islamist militants, killing scores of fighters and forcing more to flee. The militants, blamed for days of violence across the country's north, belong to a group known as Boko Haram, which aims to overthrow the federal government in Abuja and impose a strict version of Islamic law. The sect's leader, Mohammed Yusuf, escaped the raid along with some 300 of his men, but he was later arrested, according to police. Four days of clashes, sparked by attacks on police stations and government buildings, have killed at least 300 people.
Read more ....
Update: Islamist sect leader shot dead after capture in Nigeria -- Yahoo News/AFP
My Comment: Nigeria has always had religious/tribal conflicts and wars. but can Nigeria degenerate into a Sudan (Muslim north Christian south) type of conflict and war with millions of casualties .... I would have to say that after witnessing the battles that happened this week .... I would not bet against it.