Support For Afghan War Drops, CNN Poll Finds -- CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A new national poll indicates that support among Americans for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low.
Forty-one percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday say they favor the war in Afghanistan -- down 9 points from May, when CNN polling suggested that half of the public supported the war.
Fifty-four percent say they oppose the war in Afghanistan, up 6 points from May.
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My Comment: If the body bags returning home and the fighting continues at the pace that has been happening in Afghanistan for the past month .... and there is no clear direction or leadership from Washington .... these numbers will start to hit 60% to 70% (if not higher) oppose by this time next year.
Worse for the Democrats being the Party in power .... these sentiments will be felt at the ballot box with most of the Democratic antiwar base staying home in the Congressional elections slated for November 2010..