From The U.S. Naval Institute:
It’s time to return some sanity to the way ships are named. Why? Because the silliness is upon us once again:
111th CONGRESS 1st Session H. CON. RES. 83 Expressing the sense of Congress that a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Navy, either the aircraft carrier designated as CVN-79 or the aircraft carrier designated as CVN-80, should be named the U.S.S. Barry M. Goldwater.
Bill information and status here
Enough with the politicians – these ships are going to last to the middle of the century and outlive many of us reading these words.
It is time to reclaim our heritage and properly name our ships – and leave it to a Chief to put it succinctly:
“One man’s hero is another man’s goat. Carriers should be named for things we all have in common, not the party in power’s favorite politician. I vote we go back to the traditional carrier names as a reminder of the great ships and men who held the line when the chips were down and the odds were against us. Those names are a tribute to America’s greatness. Politicians? Not so much.”
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