China Outraged As Japan’s Sabre Rattler Calls For Nuclear Arms -- Times Online
A TROUBLING insight into ultra-conservative thinking at the top of Japan’s armed forces has emerged after the dismissal of Toshio Tamogami, the chief of the air staff.
He has become a hero to right-wing groups since being sacked last year for writing an article that said imperial Japan was not an aggressor in the second world war. His popularity has caused outrage in China and it could provide an early diplomatic headache for the opposition Democratic Party of Japan if, as expected, it wins the general election on August 30.
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My Comment: The anti-nuclear movement is still strong in Japan, but it has definitely declined in support and numbers in the past 20 years. When I was in Japan in 1988, talk of acquiring nuclear weapons was never on anyone's agenda. Today .... nuclear weapons is on the agenda.
This should not be a surprise. Since the end of the Second World War, Japan was always willing to accept U.S. security guarantees. But as U.S. influence and power wanes, and China and rogue nations like North Korea are trying to step into this void, Japanese nationalism and security concerns are now being raised in both the media and government.
Asian concerns of a nuclear Japan are also legitimate. Japan has never properly atoned for what they did during the Second World War, and fears of Japanese nationalism and militarism has never escaped the psyche of many Asian nations .... Korea, China, and the Philippines being the major countries in question.
But as long as China continues with its military buildup, and North Korea threatens Japan with missile and nuclear tests .... it is a question of when not if for Japan to become a state with nuclear weapons.