From Reuters:
BEIJING (Reuters) - China called on the United States to reduce and eventually halt air and sea military surveillance close to its shores after a series of territorial disputes this year.
The request was made during a special session on maritime safety between the two countries' militaries on Wednesday and Thursday, Xinhua news agency said on Thursday, citing China's Defense Ministry.
Five times this year, Chinese vessels have confronted U.S. surveillance ships in Asian waters, the U.S. Defense Department said in May. China said the U.S. vessels had intruded its territory. There has since been a sixth incident.
Read more ....
Update #1: End military surveillance missions, China tells US -- AP
Update #2: China urges U.S. to reduce surveillance operations -- China View
My Comment: This is the teapot telling the coffee kettle that it is black .... I am not impressed by this Chinese demand.