Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty
What the President's Attack On The CIA Really Means -- Herbert E. Meyer, American Thinker
There is now just one group of people exempt from President Obama's worldwide ban on torture: the men and women of the CIA.
By authorizing Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to determine whether a full criminal investigation of CIA employees and contractors is warranted for the manner in which they interrogated captured terrorists, the President has thrown his power and support behind those far-left ideologues -- in Congress and elsewhere -- who believe that the CIA is a bigger threat to our country than al Qaeda.
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Focus on Torture Accountability -- John Nichols, The Nation
It Wasn't Torture and They Didn't Break the Law -- Andy McCarthy, NRO
Four Ways to Help Africa -- Jendayi E. Frazer, Wall Street Journal opinion.
China Tears Up U.S. Credit Cards -- Bruce Henderson, The New Ledger
We Can’t Afford to Ignore Myanmar -- Jim Webb, New York Times opinion.
War Clouds in the Caucasus -- Boris Nemtsov, Wall Street Journal opinion
Russia's Fictional Sovereignties -- Robert Skidelsky, RealClearWorld
Why Capitalism Is Doomed in Russia -- Yulia Latynina, Moscow Times
How Russia Can and Can't Help Obama -- B. Michael Jenkins, Foreign Policy