From Information Dissemination:
Fabius Maximus has posted a full accounting (with permission) of George Friedman's (of STRATFOR) latest Russian analysis. The STRATFOR article titled "The Russian Economy and Russian Power" is an interesting read, well rooted in history, and worth consideration.
Friedman's article takes on a number of issues ranging from the disconnected nature of Russian economy and military power, but places this within the context of Russians demographics issues. It addresses the Obama administrations policy and suggests it is very possible will begin a rapid rearming of its military.
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My Comment: My contacts in Russia will probably concur with this analysis. When I visit my relatives in Russia .... my uncle (retired Russian officer) is always lamenting on how much the Russian military has declined since the break-up of the Soviet Union. Comments from his former colleagues paint an even bleaker picture.
But while the Russian military may be on the decline right now .... never underestimate them. Things can change very quickly.