Part of my job as Founder is to extend invitations for people to speak at these events. Recently, I invited a famous Second Amendment activist. I asked him to spend five minutes on stage. He said he would be very happy and honored to attend the Second Amendment March ... but only if we paid him $40,000. [More]Not that I consider myself to be in the exalted rank of important bigshot 2A luminaries, but I feel like I'm pushing things asking people to share GRE links...
I've got nothing against people making a living. It's why I encourage you to buy books from guys like Matthew Bracken and David E. Young, or purchase videos from JPFO...
But $40K, two first-class tickets, luxury hotel accommodations...I guess this cat figures his pearls of wisdom and ability to inspire us, the little people, are enough of a contribution.
I'm really curious as to who it is. I have a suspicion, based on a certain NRA director who has been reported as charging that precise amount to attend board meetings, but it would be unfair to consider that conclusive without facts. I'm going to email Grand Rapids GRE Skip Coryell and if he reveals it later, I'll be able to tell you if I was right.
I wonder how much Patrick Henry charged for his "Give Me Liberty" speech...?