The Conduct of Genl Howe is extremely embarrassing. He left the Capes of Delaware the 31st Ulto. and having never been heard of since the 7th Inst. off Sinapuxent. It was generally beleived here, that he had passed the Capes of Virginia, and that Charles Town in South Carolina was the object of his expedition. We were so fully persuaded of this, and convinced of the impracticability of affording it succour in time from this Army, that a Resolution was come into this Morning, to move to morrow towards Hudson's River, if approved by Congress, to avail ourselves of any advantages, circumstances might point out. The destination of the Fleet, if for Chesapeak Bay, must soon be known, and the Army will remain here, till further intelligence is obtained on the Subject. At present, I think it not unlikely, that their appearance off the Capes is to amuse and that their designs may yet be against Charles Town. [More]
Friday, August 21, 2009