From Time Magazine:
If there is, or should be, one rule of U.S. Latin America policy today, it is this: Don't give Hugo Chávez a freebie. Avoid handing the leftist Venezuelan President a reason to sound an alarm against yanqui aggression in the western hemisphere. Chavez's reputation in Washington may be that of an oil-rich populist demagogue whose default political strategy is gratuitous anti-Americanism. But his rants often strike a chord with his more moderate counterparts in Latin America, whose decibel levels are lower but whose anxieties about U.S. designs in their region are still high.
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My Comment: My prediction .... this issue will be dead by next month. When the U.S. had similar agreements with Ecuador and Bolivia there was never any opposition or media coverage. There is one now because of Venezuela's Chavez temperament and character. Next month there will be another issue or event that will divert his attention.