From The Wall Street Journal:
Tension is escalating between the U.S and Israel. The problem: The administration views the Israeli-Palestinian issue as the root of all problems, while Israel is focused on Iran’s nuclear threat, says Elliott Abrams.
The tension in U.S.-Israel relations was manifest this past week as an extraordinary troupe of Obama administration officials visited Jerusalem. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, National Security Advisor James Jones, special Middle East envoy George Mitchell and new White House adviser Dennis Ross all showed up in Israel’s capital in an effort to…well, to do something. It was not quite clear what.
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My Comment: Israel knows that if President Obama's outreach to countries like Syria and Iran fails .... the first country that will be on the front line from such a fallout will be Israel. This is the fundamental difference between Israel and the present U.S. Administration .... Israel believes that its right to exist is threatened everyday while the U.S. perceives these threats to be not as great as how Israel likes to portray them as.
Israel and the U.S. are now going down two different paths .... where it will end is anyone's guess.