US Consensus On Afghanistan Begins To Crumble -- AFP
WASHINGTON — Weeks from President Barack Obama's expected move to send more troops to Afghanistan, the consensus behind the US commitment there is crumbling as some raise the specter of a new Vietnam.
A growing number of experts doubt that the war can be won, while even Obama, who has already dispatched an additional 21,000 reinforcements there, contemplates a further troop increase and completes a strategic review.
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More News On Afghanistan
Devastating suicide strikes show Taliban expansion -- AFP
Afghanistan: Suicide Bomber Attack; Taliban Exhibits Improved Tactics -- Washington Post
Deputy Chief of Intelligence Is Slain in Afghanistan -- New York Times
In Afghanistan, Suicide Bomber Kills Intelligence Official at Mosque -- L.A. Times
Soldier killed in Afghanistan blast -- AFP
British soldier killed in Afghan blast -- Reuters
The Army is Making the Same Old Mistakes in Afghanistan, Say Soldiers -- Times Online
Afghanistan sapping Army morale, veteran writes -- The Telegraph
Fears of Taliban collusion with Afghan government -- The Telegraph
NATO committed to Afghanistan regardless of poll worries -- Reuters
International Envoys Pledge Continued Support for Afghanistan -- Voice of America
Foreign troops to stay until Afghanistan safe enough: French FM -- China View
Turkey to boost troops in Afghanistan -- UPI
Security assigned to watch guards at Kabul embassy -- Yahoo News/AP
U.S. embassy in Kabul bans alcohol from guard camp -- Yahoo News/Reuters
U.N. reports dramatic fall in Afghan opium production -- CNN
Afghanistan poppy crop still lucrative --
FACTBOX: Some facts about Afghanistan's opium crop -- Reuters
Afghan Vote Results Likely to Be Delayed -- Voice of America
Afghan Election Results Delayed Amid Probe of Fraud Complaints -- Bloomberg
'Likely' Karzai win sparks calls for unrest -- USA Today
SCENARIOS - Possible outcomes of Afghanistan's vote -- Reuters
G.O.P. Support May Be Vital to Obama on Afghan War -- New York Times
Afghanistan: Back from the brink? -- BBC
Kandahar Province Presents Critical Test For Afghanistan's Future -- Radio Free Europe
Setback in Afghanistan: The right response is not a retreat. -- Washington Post editorial
Afghanistan: Hollow power in Helmand -- The Guardian editorial
How to Win in Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Wall Street Journal
Karzai Must Clean Up His Act or be Dumped -- Malcolm Rifkind, The Times
O's Afghan Woes: White Hoiuse Stifles General -- Ralph Peters, New York Post
Profiling the Messengers -- New York Times editorial.
Afghanistan looking more like Vietnam -- Robert Scheer, San Francisco Chronicle
Obama needs to make Afghanistan Priority #1 -- David Frum, National Post