Calm - Then Sudden Death In Afghan War -- Yahoo News/AP
DAHANEH, Afghanistan – The pomegranate grove looked ominous. The U.S. patrol had a tip that Taliban fighters were lying in ambush, and a Marine had his weapon trained on the trees 70 yards away. "If you see anything move from there, light it up," Cpl. Braxton Russell told him.
Thirty seconds later, a salvo of gunfire and RPGs — rocket-propelled grenades — poured out of the grove. "Casualty! We've got a casualty!" someone shouted. A grenade had hit Lance Cpl. Joshua "Bernie" Bernard in the legs.
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My comment: I wish the AP did more reporting of this type. They have the resources and the people in the field to cover these types of operations. I understand that it is dangerous work .... but the news that they send back is important in giving us a picture of what our men and women in uniform must go through every day.