From CBS:
Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat senator from West Virginia, worries about the day a "Digital Pearl Harbor" happens. In response to what he sees as an inevitable attack on our communications infrastructure, he and his staff have been laboring to create law that will enhance our cyber security, under the name of S773 Senate bill 773). The Obama administration apparently fears the "digital Pearl Harbor" and their ability to respond-and if the Rockefeller bill is any indication, they think that pulling the plug and a federal certification program will do just the trick. This shows a basic lack of understanding of what the Internet is, how it works, and what it represents to present day America.
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My Comment: A good commentary, one that I am 90% in agreement with.
Regular readers of this blog know that I have been a harsh critic of such proposals. They do little if anything to enhance national security, and they would only serve to limit information to the American people.
Having said that, this legislation and/or some form of it will still pass. The underlying philosophy for all governments is to control .... and the internet is one vehicle that they have little if any control. Expect something on President Obama's desk within a year .... with national security being the main reason why it will be put into law.