IAEA Denies Report It Is Sure Iran Seeking Atom Bomb -- Yahoo News/AP
VIENNA (Reuters) – The U.N. nuclear watchdog said Thursday it had no proof that Iran has or once had a covert atomic bomb program, dismissing a news report that it had concluded Iran was on its way to producing nuclear weapons.
In a statement, the International Atomic Energy Agency reaffirmed IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei's September 9 warning that allegations the agency was sitting on undeniable evidence of Iranian bomb work were "politically motivated and baseless."
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Previous News Report: Nuke agency says Iran can make bomb -- AP
My Comment: The men and women who wrote up the report on Iran's nuclear program are saying that Iran is near the ability to build a nuclear weapon. IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei is saying the opposite.
Who to believe?
Either way .... this undermines the credibility of the IAEA.