ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — For weeks now, the Pakistani media have portrayed America, its military and defense contractors in the darkest of lights, all part of an apparent campaign of anti-American vilification that is sweeping the country and, according to some, is putting American lives at risk.
Pakistanis are reacting to what many here see as an "imperial" American presence, echoing Iraq and Afghanistan, with Washington dictating to the Pakistani military and the government. Polls show that Pakistanis regard the U.S., formally a close ally and the country's biggest donor, as a hostile power.
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My Comment: The above McClatchy News story tries to give the perception that this a new phenomenon, that anti-Americanism is now on the rise throughout Pakistan.
Sadly .... it is not.
When we first started this blog, we examined and blogged on how vicious and dangerous the atmosphere of anti-Americanism was throughout Pakistani society. Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools, pushed in the media, preached in the mosques, and supported by the political leaders in Islamabad.
Nothing has changed.
The only other country that receives more hate and contempt is India .... and that is at a magnitude that will make any outside observer blush with embarrassment.
This anti-India/anti-American agenda is being pushed by the Pakistani establi
Pakistanis are reacting to what many here see as an "imperial" American presence, echoing Iraq and Afghanistan, with Washington dictating to the Pakistani military and the government. Polls show that Pakistanis regard the U.S., formally a close ally and the country's biggest donor, as a hostile power.
Read more ....
My Comment: The above McClatchy News story tries to give the perception that this a new phenomenon, that anti-Americanism is now on the rise throughout Pakistan.
Sadly .... it is not.
When we first started this blog, we examined and blogged on how vicious and dangerous the atmosphere of anti-Americanism was throughout Pakistani society. Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools, pushed in the media, preached in the mosques, and supported by the political leaders in Islamabad.
Nothing has changed.
The only other country that receives more hate and contempt is India .... and that is at a magnitude that will make any outside observer blush with embarrassment.
This anti-India/anti-American agenda is being pushed by the Pakistani establi
My Comment: The above McClatchy News story tries to give the perception that this a new phenomenon, that anti-Americanism is now on the rise throughout Pakistan.
Sadly .... it is not.
When we first started this blog, we examined and blogged on how vicious and dangerous the atmosphere of anti-Americanism was throughout Pakistani society. Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools, pushed in the media, preached in the mosques, and supported by the political leaders in Islamabad.
Nothing has changed.
The only other country that receives more hate and contempt is India .... and that is at a magnitude that will make any outside observer blush with embarrassment.
This anti-India/anti-American agenda is being pushed by the Pakistani establishment as a divergence away from their own failed policies. Pakistan is a bankrupted nation, with an infrastructure that is (essentially) falling apart. Electricity cutoffs are now normal. Unemployment and inflation are sky-high. Insurrection and civil war continues in the frontier areas. Corruption and malaise the norm .... exceptionalism and entrepreneurship frowned upon or threatened.
They need a boogeyman .... and if it is not the Indians .... it is us.
And yes .... this is laying the groundwork for something terrible to eventually come out.
Sadly .... it is not.
When we first started this blog, we examined and blogged on how vicious and dangerous the atmosphere of anti-Americanism was throughout Pakistani society. Anti-Americanism is taught in the schools, pushed in the media, preached in the mosques, and supported by the political leaders in Islamabad.
Nothing has changed.
The only other country that receives more hate and contempt is India .... and that is at a magnitude that will make any outside observer blush with embarrassment.
This anti-India/anti-American agenda is being pushed by the Pakistani establishment as a divergence away from their own failed policies. Pakistan is a bankrupted nation, with an infrastructure that is (essentially) falling apart. Electricity cutoffs are now normal. Unemployment and inflation are sky-high. Insurrection and civil war continues in the frontier areas. Corruption and malaise the norm .... exceptionalism and entrepreneurship frowned upon or threatened.
They need a boogeyman .... and if it is not the Indians .... it is us.
And yes .... this is laying the groundwork for something terrible to eventually come out.