From Esquire:
Could a new wave of the H1N1 virus become as radioactive for Obama as Katrina was for Bush? Or could the threat of tens of thousands of children dying help him pass his health-care package? An in-depth assessment of the risks to moms and politicians across the country.
The more and more I talk to people around Washington these days — fellow security guys, policy consultants, health-care experts, parents — the more I realize that the next wave of the H1N1 virus ("swine flu," if you must) is going to be a bigger deal than even the mask-wearing paranoiacs at the county fair will let on. And the more I pour over the new H1N1 report released to the White House from President Obama's seriously legitimate science-and-technology advisory council, its worst-case scenario seems even more frightening than the one from Stanley McChrystal that landed on his desk yesterday.
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My Comment: Flu pandemics, disease .... this has been with us since the beginning of time. Not far from where I live is a mass grave of victims from 1850-1852 who succumbed to typhoid, yellow fever, and (God knows what else) when these epidemics ran through the city of Montreal during those times.
Is H1N1 the next big killer? .... all of my medical friends say no .... but who knows. But if it becomes the big one, more people are going to die from that than all of the wars that the U.S. has fought throughout its history .... combined.