The Wing-Nut Code

You thought they were just unhinged. But here's what they're really saying to the armed and dangerous. [More]
In "Art of War," Sun Tzu advised to know the enemy. I guess it's to our advantage that these leftist reactionaries are so out of touch with what's really happening in the heartland they think we get marching orders from corporate media.

Or to quote another great philosopher, "Eh, he don't know me very well, do he?"

But, as is my wont, my focus is on something else.

I notice AlterNet is pretty protective of their site content. For instance, they include this warning:
Reproduction of material from any AlterNet pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.
© 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
I wonder if they have permission to use all the images that appear in this story, or if they claim they all fall under "fair use"?

For instance, that William Kostric photo they used in the title post is an AP photo by Joel Page. I see no credit for it, and as they ought to know, AP has begun an aggressive campaign to charge for content. I use their stuff on Gun Rights Examiner, but that's because there is a license authorizing it.

I wouldn't be surprised to find AlterNet has a similar license, but lack of a credit under the picture makes me wonder. It couldn't hurt to ask AP if they least it couldn't hurt us...

Be nice to monkeywrench these pinkos with this, get their whole damn left-wingnut effort scrutinized and dismembered...:)



[Via Mack H]

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