As President Obama mulls the military's request for a big troop build-up in Afghanistan, Americans have swung in favor of such a move, according to a new IBD/TIPP Poll.
The survey of 927 adults found that a plurality of 48% favors sending more troops and resources to Afghanistan. That's a sharp reversal from September, when Americans opposed the idea, 55%-35%.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, commander of U.S. and NATO forc es in Afghanistan, has reportedly asked for another 40,000 troops to help control rising violence.
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My Comment: I expected the Republicans to strongly support an Afghan surge .... I also expected a majority of independents to say the same thing. The surprise is learning that the vast majority of Democrats (57%-32%) do not support any increase in troops to Afghanistan.
If President Obama should order an Afghan surge will these poll numbers change ..... I have my doubts. Should President Obama care about these poll numbers when he makes his decision .... I hope not.