From Time Magazine:
You'd think Najibullah Zazi would stand out on the high, dry plains southeast of Denver, where the earth is as flat as a starched shirt and mere wrinkles count as topography. But if heartland suburbs were ever enclaves of uniformity, that day is long gone. Aurora, Colo., is a city of people from somewhere else, a low-slung municipality of 315,000 that includes extremes of both poverty and prosperity. Aurora is vast — nearly 154 sq. mi. (400 sq km) — and dense, with a high concentration of multifamily housing units, apartment buildings, townhouses and condominiums. Those homes contain a patchwork of races, ethnicities and tribes: Aurora is 23% Hispanic; 13% black; 15% Asian, Native American and other. Nearly 100 languages are spoken by students in the Aurora public schools. It is, in short, an excellent place for a young man with a laptop and a recipe for bombs to hide in plain sight.
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FBI chief sees no imminent threat from Zazi case -- Reuters
Officials: NY men being watched in terror probe -- AP
FBI to senators: Terror case wasn't damaged -- AP
Afghan immigrant pleads not guilty to bombing conspiracy -- L.A. Times
Terror on the Prairie: Zazi's Life in Colorado -- Time Magazine
Rush for Clues Before Charges in Terror Case -- New York Times
Zazi case: How far should FBI go in tracking Muslims? -- Christian Science Monitor
Homecoming -- Newsweek