Historians may never be privy to the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of wartime secrets that rest in dusty classified archives at Kew. The British spymasters are the masters of squirrelling away secrets. No agency of the British government was more devious than the ultra-secret MI-5, the counterpart of the United States’ OSS.
One such secret survived for more than 60 years and, obviously, it fooled the guards in German prisoner of war camps. It is remarkable that the clever ruse escaped detection by the ever vigilante German minders.
Downed fliers and captured soldiers and sailors desperately needed help with escaping materials. Their most pressing need was an accurate map — showing where their camp was located and the locations of some “safe houses,” where a PoW on the lam could go for food and shelter.
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My Comment: I am sure that there are even more "clever wartime secrets" that are squirreled away in some filing cabinet.