From DoD Buzz:
Continuing with the green theme at this week’s Naval Energy Forum in McLean, Va., Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead said there is no denying the link between fossil fuel use and global warming.
While one expects climate change to be discussed at a forum devoted to finding ways to improve the Navy’s energy efficiency, it was still a bit of surprise yesterday to hear the CNO link carbon emissions to rising sea levels so matter-of-factly.
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My Comment: Everyone is looking at global warming .... but what happens if we are actually experience global cooling. Canada has been approaching and/or breaking records for cold weather .... not warm weather .... this year. In the 1970s, the main fear was that we were approaching a period of extreme cold .... now we are being told to be concerned about global warming.
Lets face it .... climatologists have trouble predicting the weather beyond 1 week .... how can they predict 5, 10, or 30 years in the future?