Yes, Virginia, There is a Mideast Nuke Deal -- Newsweek
While negotiations with Iran are hitting snags at every turn, the U.S. has quietly inked a massive nuclear deal with Iran's neighbor, the United Arab Emirates.
On Friday, the world awaited Iran's decision on a proposal by Western powers that the country outsource its uranium enrichment. Enriching uranium is the key step to making a bomb, so, the thinking went, if Iran is indeed sincere about wanting a peaceful nuclear-power program, a perfect fix would be to unload the supersensitive process to one of the big nuclear states, such as Russia. Iran would build its own power plants, and everyone would be happy. No such agreement was reached, however. Iran's counteroffer remains private, but what's known is that Iran offered to buy fuel abroad but made no commitment to halt enrichment.
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My Comment: I find it amazing that on such an important issue, there is no discussion or debate in Congress, the media, or among those in the Middle East who are concerned about nuclear issues. Even those who are concerned about nuclear proliferation issues are quiet ....
Kudos to Newsweek for covering this story .... a story that (probably) everyone will forget about tomorrow.