From The Washington Examiner:
Forget about reading legislation, how about a top general's report on Afghanistan?
Gen. Stanley McChrystal's classified report on the war in Afghanistan supposedly includes his determination that as many as a half-million U.S. troops will be needed to complete the mission there over a five year period.
But most lawmakers probably haven't seen that startling figure, or the rest of the classified report for that matter, because few seem to lining up to read it -- despite the fact that it has been available for weeks.
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My Comment: (1) The link to General McChrystal's Assessment (unclassified) is HERE. It is in PDF form.
(2) I would be surprised if 20 members of the Senate and Congress read the assessment. With winter and the customary drop in fighting now approaching in Afghanistan, the issues of what to do in Afghanistan is not on everybody's radar screen. This will probably change next spring, but for now the altitude is out of place and out of mind.