Cross-Border Insurgents Flood Afghanistan -- Air Force Times
KABUL — The expansion of Islamic extremist groups across the Afghanistan-Pakistan region is “the worst I’ve seen it,” with Afghan insurgents receiving help from Iranian operatives and “very possibly” freelancing Pakistani intelligence agents, as well as a small but growing number of “deadly” foreign fighters, said Maj. Gen. Mike Flynn, director of intelligence for Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s headquarters here.
“I wouldn’t say it’s out of control right now, but this is a California wildfire and we’re having to bring in firemen from New York,” said Flynn, who has been tracking Islamic extremism for at least eight years in postings as director of intelligence for Joint Task Force 180 (in Afghanistan), Joint Special Operations Command, Central Command and the Joint Staff.
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My Comment: The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other Jihadist groups smell blood. With U.S. policy being perceived as weak and indecisive, they are now flowing into Afghanistan to kill U.S. and allied soldiers. Unlike Iraq, where U.S. forces/President Bush made it very clear that they were going to win the war, Afghanistan is being painted with a different brush and the Jihadists know this.
2010 is probably going to be a bloodbath coupled with a major escalation in the war. We must now get ready for the worse.