From Christian Science Monitor:
As leaders and revelers celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago, President Barack Obama's absence is one of several diplomatic wrinkles marring the event.
BERLIN – The celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall started off well enough – former President George H.W. Bush, ex-Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, and former West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl gathered in front of nearly 2,000 dignitaries in Berlin last week to celebrate their role in bringing about the end of the Cold War.
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My Comment: A good question from the CSM. In my opinion .... this is just another example of how tone deaf the Obama administration has become when it comes to Europe.
But this should not be a surprise. President Obama's international focus is on Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Asia.
Europe is not on his radar screen.