Robert Gates To Announce Pentagon Probe Of Ft. Hood Shooting Rampage -- L.A. Times
The investigation will look at events leading up to the Nov. 5 shootings at the Texas Army base. Military psychiatrist Nadal Malik Hasan is accused of killing 13.
Reporting from Washington - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates this afternoon will announce the start of a sweeping Pentagon review of events leading up to the Ft. Hood rampage, a probe that will examine whether military officials could have taken more aggressive preemptive action against the accused killer and, if so, why they didn't, officials said today.
Gates will appoint a retired Defense official to lead the probe, a Pentagon official said. The accused shooter, Maj. Nadal Malik Hasan, received repeated warnings about his poor work at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he was a psychiatrist. He also was admonished for proselytizing after pressing others to accept his view of Islam.
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More News On Fort Hood
Gates to Unveil Pentagon-Wide Probe of Fort Hood Shootings -- Wall Street Journal
Gates picks leader of Ft. Hood probe -- Philadelphia Inquirer
The Pentagon’s Own Fort Hood Probe -- Washington Independent
US lawmakers seek clues to Fort Hood shooting -- AFP
Senators press Obama on Fort Hood probes -- Washington Post
Fort Hood Senate hearings risk politicizing Hasan investigation -- Christian Science Monitor
Suspected Fort Hood gunman Nidal Malik Hasan was in Army superior's sights as a problem in 2007: report -- New York Daily News
2007 memo criticizes Fort Hood suspect's judgment, professionalism -- CNN
Hasan's Supervisor Warned Army In 2007 -- NPR
Who promoted Hasan? -- Washington Post
CNN poll: Majority think Fort Hood shooting was preventable -- CNN
Lawmakers Seek to Award Casualty Benefits to Fort Hood Victims -- FOX News
Purple Hearts proposed for Fort Hood victims -- CNN
Major Hasan reintroduces 'Terror and Consent' -- Robert Haddick, Small Wars Journal