How hard could it be for the state's top law enforcement officer, the AG, to write a memorandum recognizing the legality of peaceable open carrying, and send it to every police and sheriff's department in the state, as well as to the Highway Patrol? One would assume flow-down communications explaining his interpretations and positions on law enforcement issues are already established and routine.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks a few simple questions that could save a life from someone with the power to do something about that .
And how hard would it be for the individual LE departments to transmit this information to their sworn personnel? Again, one would assume they all receive policy training as a condition of employment. If you're already having them sign acknowledgments such as they understand sexual harassment rules, etc., and placing that in their personnel files, how much more effort would be required to have each officer sign and date a simple acknowledgment that he or she understands open carry is lawful? [More]
And as long as questions are being solicited, how about if we see if he'll answer a few more...? After all, one of his rivals has.
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