Still, Schumer is nothing if not crafty. He knows there is a motherlode of untapped paranoia to exploit here, and using twin threats of terrorism and guns is a time-tested and reliable tactic for spooking and stampeding the herd.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a bit of counter-intelligence, seasoned subversive gungrabber-style.
And why stop with radical Islamic terror suspects? In truth, you can't, by law. So we need to include all those "homegrown terrorists" Janet Napolitano warned us about in that DHS report on "right wing extremists." And then we need to stop gun sales to all those potential threats who have been scrutinized--especially you...you Oath Keepers...and maybe even you or me. [More]
Also see Chuck's poisonous olive branch to the Fudds, meet a new Examiner in Knoxville, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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