Afghanistan Troop Surge Could Be A Slow Rollout -- Christian Science Monitor
Any surge of US troops to Afghanistan is likely to be tougher than it was in Iraq, because of the dearth of good roads and airfields, say defense officials.
Washington - When it comes to deploying additional forces to Afghanistan, the Pentagon confronts an infrastructural problem summed up by one senior military official: "Iraq is stuck in 1950, Afghanistan is stuck in 1310."
President Obama's decision on deploying more troops to Afghanistan is still a week or so away. But operating under the assumption that more forces may be headed there in the coming months, Pentagon planners have been trying to figure out how fast they can get troops and equipment on the ground.
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Into Afghanistan Will Look Like
Gates: Expect a Slow-Mo ‘Surge’ to Afghanistan -- The Danger Room
Gates says Afghan surge could happen swiftly -- AP
Afghanistan deployments set to slow -- The Hill
Gates Says Afghan Surge Could Happen Swiftly -- FOX News