Hero cop Sgt. Kimberly Munley who shot Fort Hood gunman Nidal Malik Hasan breaks silence to Oprah -- New York Daily News
The hero cop who helped take down the Fort Hood gunman is home from the hospital and says "things are getting better day by day."
"Every day is progress for me," Sgt. Kimberly Munley told Oprah Winfrey in an interview that airs Wednesday.
"Emotionally, I'm just hoping that the rest of the officers and the injured and the families of the deceased are healing as well."
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More News On The Fort Hood Massacre
Police officer who shot Fort Hood suspect says she's 'doing well' -- CNN
US agencies under scrutiny over shooting suspect -- AFP
Shooting suspect's superiors questioned behavior -- Yahoo News/AP
Military not told about Ft. Hood suspect's e-mails -- L.A. Times
Free Speech Rights Prevented Probe Into Hasan E-Mails, Investigators Say -- FOX News
Hasan did not formally ask to leave military, Army official says -- Washington Post
Death penalty rare, executions rarer in military -- AP
Hasan "Not One of Our Own," Soldier Says -- CBS News
Fort Hood returning to normal after shooting -- Dallas News
Commentaries And Opinions
Memo to U.S. Government: Fort Hood Shooter Is A Jihadist -- Weekly Standard
Fort Hood and cultural suicide -- Lorne Gunter, National Post
Lessons from Fort Hood -- Jerusalem Post
General Casey's Diverse Army -- Ken Russell, American Thinker
EDITORIAL: Fort Hood killings need three investigations -- Newsday
Common Sense Says Major Hasan Was a Terrorist -- Ed Koch, Real Clear Politics
Fort Hood tragedy: Terror or typical workplace violence? -- James Alan Fox and Jack Levin, USA Today
Did the Army Ignore Red Flags Because of Hasan's Religion? -- Mark Thompson, Time