The White House this week sided with Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta in a turf battle he was waging against President Obama's director of national intelligence, Adm. Dennis Blair (Ret.), knowledgeable sources tell ABC News.
For decades, the chief U.S. intelligence officer in each country traditionally has been the CIA station chief. Ever since the Office of Director of National Intelligence was created in 2004, the CIA station chief has also served as the eyes and ears for the DNI.
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More News On the CIA - DNI Turf War
CIA said to have won turf war against intel chief -- AP
White House Sides With C.I.A. in Turf Battle -- New York Times
Primacy of CIA station chiefs confirmed, ending interagency row -- Washington Post
Overseas Turf War Between the CIA and DNI Won't Die -- Time Magazine
My Comment: The CIA may have won this battle .... but the war with the DNI still goes on.