White House Defends Afghan War Strategy and July 2011 Drawdown Date -- ABC News
Balancing a Troop Surge With a Drawdown Date Sends Important Signal, WH Says
Today, the Pentagon announced it has given orders to 16,000 troops to deploy to Afghanistan, as part of President Obama's new Afghan War strategy decision to send an additional 30,000 troops.
Yet, as the troop surge gets underway, the president's advisers are still answering doubts about the White House's new strategy of sending additional troops, while at the same time announcing a July 2011 date when the U.S. would begin withdrawing its troops.
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More News On Afghanistan
Gates Arrives in Afghanistan, Stresses US Commitment -- Wall Street Journal/AP
Gates in Kabul to Meet With Karzai -- New York Times
Gates: 'We're in this Thing to Win' -- Washington Post
Top US general, diplomat in Afghanistan face Congress -- Reuters
Gen. McChrystal To Testify In House, Senate -- NPR (Audio)
Taking The Measure of Stanley McChrystal -- CBS News
FACTBOX - Five facts about NATO commander Stanley McChrystal -- Reuters
Pentagon was on defensive in Afghanistan review -- L.A. Times
Officials Try to Unite on Afghan Plan -- New York Times
Obama discusses Afghanistan troop surge with general, ambassador -- CNN
Afghan leader: Help needed to pay for larger army -- Yahoo News/AP
Karzai tells US security aid needed for 15-20 years -- Yahoo News/AFP
Pressure From All Sides as Karzai Picks His Team -- New York Times
Taliban shadow officials offer concrete alternative -- Washington Post
Tackle Taliban or we will, US tells Pakistan -- The Age
Logistical nightmares may doom U.S. surge in Afghanistan -- Baltimore Sun
Mullen: US 'losing war in Afghanistan' -- Jerusalem Post
Along with Pep Talk, Marines Get Warning -- Washington Post
US troop surge in Afghanistan to begin next week -- DAWN
Many surge troops 'already in Afghanistan' -- Times Online
NATO steps up in Afghanistan -- Christian Science Monitor
Pentagon orders 16,000 troops to Afghanistan -- L.A. Times
US Military Deaths in Afghanistan Region at 853 -- New York Times/AP
Commentaries And Analysis
Taliban's Counter Strategy is based on declared US Strategy -- Counter Terrorism Blog
The Next Surge: Counterbureaucracy -- Jonathan J. Vaccaro, New York Times
Q+A - Understanding Obama's Afghan strategy -- Reuters
Back to Wanat -- Captain's Journal